Resilient communities rely on data.
Prepare for anything.
Preparing communities for the future starts with understanding the risks and barriers we face today.
Know where to focus.
Take advantage of community data that are ready to explore and tools that make it easy to uncover and share data stories about the past, present, and future.
Drive initiatives with the data you need.
Explore the most relevant topics to strengthen Resilient Communities.
Factor in forces of nature.
Prepare for and understand the impacts of natural disasters like temperature and extreme heat, flooding and drought, rising sea levels, wildfires, and more with the HUD Community Resilience Toolkit.
Technology access opens doors.
Our Digital Inclusion Guide gathers all of the most relevant data in our library for you to understand your community's access to technology and the internet so you can help all residents navigate modern society and access critical resources and information.
Improve funding opportunities.
Leverage apportionable data to win CDBG support and resources that can help make transformative impacts on your community.
Develop a blueprint for change.
Homes we can afford contribute to all kinds of economic, workforce, and community resilience outcomes. mySidewalk's Housing Affordability report template gives you a starting point to create data stories that capture contributing factors and outcomes.
Meet your organization's goals with innovative data tools.
Get inspired by Changemakers.
Strengthening existing community infrastructure
In efforts to strengthen its community and dismantle health inequities, the SA Forward Strategic Plan has developed transparency and data-driven support for everything from access to care, data and technology infrastructure, social justice, and more.
Reaching equitable allocation & connections
Building a data-driven culture and improving digital inclusion is no small task. The Community Foundation for Mississippi builds engaging data stories to help communicate needs across the state and transparently target funding to communities that need it most.
Data-driven education for generations
Investing in the wellbeing, health, and education of children, the University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships & Research's Generator guides anyone to develop strong, data-driven plans to support children and families across Kansas.
Prepare for the future with data.
Predict and prepare with data-driven confidence.