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Data access is for everyone.

Seek Find Data

Get to public & Census data 300x faster.

It takes hours or days just to wrangle & clean data. Search the most comprehensive data library on public health, housing, economic opportunity, transportation & more in seconds.

  • Over 4+ billion data points from 40+ trusted sources

  • Filter by source, time, & availability

Seek Geographies

Gain time for data insight & storytelling.

Data can lead to important discoveries, but you shouldn't have to be a data scientist to get there. We combine every bit of data across multiple dimensions for a unified database of answers.

  • 16 levels of geography for granular analysis

  • Easily segment by age, sex, & race/ethnicity

Seek Exports

Use the most current, accurate information every time.

Our team prepares & updates the data to ensure everything is accurate, organized, & ready to use for the bigger picture.

  • Ongoing data updates & additions included

  • Download in CSV of GIS filetypes

4 billion+ Data Points

Over 40 sources with thousands of community indicators across 16 levels of geographies in the US.

Consistent Data Updates

With dozens of data sources in our library, we average nearly an update a week, all included in your subscription.

Unified Search

Scan every source, topic, time period, and dimension in seconds with a single search.

Metadata & Attribution

Data attribution for every indicator to know where it’s from, how it’s calculated, and what it means.

Flexible Download Formats

Download data as GeoJSON, Simple CSV, Tidy Data CSV, our purchase enterprise integration.

Intuitive Experience

You shouldn’t have to be a data scientist to use data. Seek™ is easy to use and helpful to learn how data science can make a positive impact.

Search Public Data Sources

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We curate data to be relevant and available at granular levels from sources such as:

  • US Census Bureau

  • American Community Survey (ACS)

  • Department of Agriculture (USDA)

  • Center for Disease Control (CDC)

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

  • Small Business Administration (SBA)

  • County Business Patterns (CBP)

Explore all indicators in the Data Library.

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What our customers are saying about mySidewalk.

Stephany De Scisciolo

Stephany De Scisciolo

Enterprise Community Partners

Working with mySidewalk has allowed us to operationalize community data in a way that’s accessible to everyone who reviews it. mySidewalk really democratizes data. They don’t just publish information, they help you understand it.

Juliann Van Liew

Juliann Van Liew

WYCO UG Public Health Dept

The most important thing for me, as the dashboard point person within our health department, was that I didn't have to build it alone. I was able to do it in concert with a team of folks who were invested in ensuring we ended up with a high quality product.

Paul Flavien

Paul Flavien

Broward Metropolitan Planning Org

Using this tool helps us create better transparency, increase stakeholder buy-in, and saves us several hours a week. It’s just so user-friendly and easy for us to use. We also love that the data is easy to share and download. Those things are huge value-adds for us.

Silvio Lanzas

Silvio Lanzas

Glendale Fire Department

The most measurable impact has been the reduction in our turnout times. But, I would go a little deeper and say that it has helped me change the culture of our organization. mySidewalk has allowed me to show why we do what we do--and that’s a big, big impact.

Mark Barham

Mark Barham

City of Williamsburg, Virginia

One of the big reasons we chose mySidewalk were all of these incredible datasets that they provide. The federal and state-level demographic information is so helpful. Our previous tool didn’t offer that kind of out-of-the-box data; we wouldn’t have known where to find it, even if we’d had the time to look – which we didn’t.

See mysidewalk in action