Grow and sustain a local economy.

Economic growth backed by data.

Leveraging community data isn't only smart, it is key to building a strong economic foothold in your community.

Economic Mobility

Vibrant growth is in the numbers.

With the most critical community data organized by topic, you can uncover insights, share engaging data stories, and make equitable decisions for development and growth in the places you care about most.

Technology access opens doors.

Our Digital Inclusion Guide gathers all of the most relevant data in our library for you to understand your community's access to technology and the internet so you can help all residents participate in modern society and access critical resources and information.

Elevate the importance of education.

With data storytelling, you can help others understand how things like education attainment and graduation rates impact workforce preparedness, mental health, the economy, and more.

Improve funding opportunities.

Leverage apportionable data to win and allocate Community Development Block Group (CDBG) support and resources that can help make transformative impacts on your community.

Develop a blueprint for change.

Homes we can afford contribute to all kinds of economic, workforce, and community resilience outcomes. Our Housing Affordability report template gives you a starting point to create data stories that capture contributing factors and outcomes. 


Meet your organization's goals with innovative data tools.

Save Time & Money Wrangling Data-White
Save Time & Money Wrangling Data
Gone are the days of downloading tables and countless hours spent making data useful. Explore over 4 billion data points from 40+ trusted sources in one data library.
Find Better Insights-White
Find Better Insights
Uncover trends and truths about your community's economic stability and make it easy for anyone to engage with and understand your data stories.
Build Capacity for Data-White
Build Capacity for Data
From program managers and planning directors to consultants, specialists, and residents, you can help anyone understand insights about communities—no matter their data expertise.
Become a Source of Truth-White
Become a Source of Truth
The strongest communities come together by building trust and transparency with accurate, reliable data that are always up-to-date and ready to explore.
Rally partners & Stakeholders Around Engaging Data-White
Engage Partners & Stakeholders
Rally everyone around a shared understanding of the economic makeup of your community with eye-catching insights and visualizations.
Make Data-Driven Impact-White
Make Data-Driven Impact
Leverage data storytelling to make confident and equitable decisions that help strengthen and grow opportunities in your community.

Join Changemakers making a difference.


Data for the People

Making effective change requires partners and community members to speak a common language. See how Greenville Chamber is rallying residents and partners around goals and impacts with transparent data.

See Greenville's Dashboard →

Accelerator for America

Building Success

Engaging data stories were key to promoting collaboration and partnership amongst community organizations looking to identify gaps and opportunities that exist in Kansas City's regional workforce system.

More about Accelerator for America →


Data-driven Education for Generations

Investing in the wellbeing, health, and education of children, the University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships & Research's Generator guides anyone to develop strong, data-driven plans to support children and families across Kansas.

See the All in for Kansas Kids Generator

Join a community of Changemakers.

Grow with data.

Put economic data and more at your fingertips.