Gauze & Effect Vol. 9: Spring Cleaning
In this issue:
- A letter from Dr. Sarah about clearing the clutter
- Our customers push us to be better and make new things -- this Vaccine Tracker report is pretty cool
- Chatter from the virtual water cooler and what's helping us take care of ourselves
- An ICYMI moment about our newest partnership with Kaboom!
- A Proust 1:1 with Ms. Tia Battle, Customer Success Dynamo
- A spotlight on TWO new partners: Saline County Health Department and Pinal County Public Health
From the Desk of Dr. Sarah
Note: Gauze and Effect is a newsletter all about our work in the Health space at mySidewalk. Past issues are available on Medium and new issues will be available on this blog!
Dearest Readers,
I can't be blamed if this newsletter didn't get in your inboxes last month. I was too busy decluttering my life. I think the urge to Spring Clean at a certain time of year is inherent and biologically programmed. It was as if one day I was fine and the next day I was consumed with the need to toss out every old herb and spice in my cabinet. This year, I was especially proud of the subscriptions I let go of -- when I calculated how much money I was spending every month on digital and tactile things I didn't need or use, I was really grossed out. My dog had a subscription box of treats and toys that was especially hard to let go of. I mean... look at that face!
As we start to reemerge back into the world, I think we are all taking stock of the things in our lives we might not need. Part of the reason I love working for mySidewalk is that our tools can be everyday helpers, not one-off disposable solutions. I like to believe that our software is the soft grey hoodie I need year-round that I'll never donate, and not like the questionable, trendy romper I bought for an outdoor concert that turned out to be logistically challenging.
I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy as the masks start to come off. I for one am not ready to let mine go. I've enjoyed not getting common colds and not having to worry about makeup from the nose down.
Tracking Vaccines using mySidewalk
The best thing about the mySidewalk publishing platform is how easy it is to churn out a data-rich report that the public can interact with. Because our platform is so flexible, it allowed us to respond to the emerging needs of our partners who wanted a simple way to track progress on vaccine distribution with a central "place" folks could go to get their questions answered.
As our own Katie Bueno so beautifully put it in her blog post about it:
Our goal at mySidewalk has always been to bring data to the people. Ensuring that public data is accessible, easy-to-understand, and timely is a responsibility we take seriously. This was true before the pandemic, and it is true now. We look forward to a day when our country can breathe easier knowing that this pandemic is behind us. Until that day, we will continue to do our part.
ICYMI: Play is Health
Playtime is a critical part of every child’s growth and development. In addition to boosting a kid’s emotional and social wellbeing, physical activity throughout childhood lays the foundation for a long, healthy life. It’s not a stretch to say that children thrive when they can access incredible playspaces.
mySidewalk has partnered with Kaboom! to create the Community Playspace Partnership Assessment to help end playspace inequity in your community by sharing compelling analysis that builds support for new investment in playspaces.
Read more about the partnership here!
From the #WaterCooler: Mental Health Day
On Thursday, mySidewalkers participated in World Mental Health Day by carving out some time to focus on the mind, body, and spirit. Mental Health care can take many different forms, and we love to share what is working for us. So, here are a few great things that are soothing our souls right now.
The BACE Framework
Four simple areas to focus on when you’re feeling out of sorts
Taking on Compassion Fatigue has some straightforward resources for filling up your own cup. We saw this list while sitting in on a meeting of a health department in Florida. Print it out and slap it on the wall in front of your desk.
A case for power napping
And finally, this dog doing yoga
Welcome to the Family!

Get To Know: Tia Battle
Working remotely has forced us to rethink the ways we connect with each other. This craving for connection led us to unveil a regular feature — the Gauze and Effect Proust Questionnaire.
Modeled after the Vanity Fair feature, but interviewing much more glamorous and important people, our version turns a lens on our colleagues. Its purpose is to give you a glimpse into who they are and — in turn — who we are as a company.
Tia is a new-ish member of the mySidewalk Customer Success team. After many years of working in the performing arts world, Tia shifted her focus to connecting with others in the business world. She started working as a customer success manager to find a way to bring humanity and creative problem solving back into the serious parts of the business world. We love Tia a lot, and we know our customers do too!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Peace in my decisions while always striving to move forward.
What is your favorite occupation?
Any job that allows me to help others.
What is your most treasured possession?
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My pup is my greatest love. She is always so sweet.
What is your most marked characteristic?
I think it is my curiosity for knowledge.
Not achieving what I feel is my top potential.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Books. I buy new ones almost every week.
Which talent would you most like to have?
A photographic memory to consume more information.
I would love to live in Texas again. Own a larger farm with horses and my dogs.
What is the quality you most like in a person?
I love quirkiness. I am all for the weird and unique.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I am too hard on myself when learning new things.
What do you most value in your friends?
Which living person do you most admire?
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
In my sleep, after a long day of adventure.
Demand to be your authentic self in any space that you are in.
Take me back to the top
This month on the pod
We love LinkedIn. Like, love it. It's the perfect combination of social network + content creation platform + place to put your best-looking headshots. We especially love the random folks we meet on there in the comments. Such is the case with this episode's special guest, Ramon Llamas. Ramon is a serial entrepreneur and man about town -- if by "town" you mean LinkedIn. Ramon met Sarah in the comments of a mutual connection, and a friendship was born. Listen to them chat about fake business degrees, healthcare, tech, and life below!
And don't forget to catch up on all of our past episodes. Let us be your summer road trip companion!
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