During times of uncertainty, your community wants facts.
At mySidewalk, we’ve spent the last year supporting our partners as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve been alongside them as they navigated outbreaks, economic damage, and Public Health policy response. A consistent theme we’ve heard is that transparency is key, and timely release of credible information is the cornerstone of public trust.
As our communities rolled up their sleeves to do their part to protect their neighbors, our solution developers at mySidewalk leveraged the power of our publishing platform to create an easy report template for sharing vaccine data. This report communicates fact-based talking points about vaccine efficacy and safety, serving as a central information hub to answer the most common questions.
Our Vaccine Tracker template is rooted in best practice storytelling.
With our COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker template, we highlight three areas of focus for vaccination tracking:
Distribution Rates: The number of vaccines being distributed to providers within your community. We can communicate these rates overall, over time, by weekly totals, and by the geography of choice.
- Administration Rates: The number of vaccines administered to people within the community. We can communicate these rates overall, over time, by weekly totals, and by the geography of choice.
- Immunization: The number of people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We can observe these rates overall, over time, and by the geography of choice.
- And lastly, the cumulative number of vaccines administered by type.
The Vaccine Tracker report template is customizable. Customers can add links to other important COVID-19 information, such as:
- COVID-19 case data,
- locations on where to get tested,
- locations on of vaccine providers,
- and general FAQ pages.
We know that complete data isn’t available for all of our partners. Our team of data storytellers works with each of our customers to highlight the data they do have as quickly and as accurately as possible.
The Vaccine Tracker template is a collaborative effort.
The mySidewalk Vaccine Tracker template integrates customer-supplied data with the mySidewalk approach to strategic communications. Published reports are updated automatically as the customer uploads data to the collection system, keeping the public apprised of the latest trends in distribution.
Our goal at mySidewalk has always been to bring data to the people. Ensuring that public data is accessible, easy-to-understand, and timely is a responsibility we take seriously. This was true before the pandemic, and it is true now. We look forward to a day when our country can breathe easier knowing that this pandemic is behind us. Until that day, we will continue to do our part.
Your Community Health Assessment can do more. mySidewalk can help.
mySidewalk helps health systems and Health organizations transform their Community Health Assessments. We partner with you to create custom, dynamic dashboards that help you: get 10x the stakeholder engagement, improve data accuracy, cut costs, and save time. Learn more.
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